

Greenes Going Vegan!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
one of the things that i love about gainesville (did i really just say that? yes! i am finally adapting to where i live!) is that it's super granola. farmers markets almost every day of the week and lots of local places to shop and eat! i have a few friends who have really inspired me to act on my convictions and to stop putting foreign, unnatural things into my body. We watched Food, Inc several months ago and were completely appalled by the food system in our country. Why is our food chemically created in a lab and not cooked in a kitchen? And even more so- why is this ok with us?!?! i could go on and on... but here is what we've been doing differently lately.

  1. Buying local! We shop at our farmer's markets and this awsome place called citizens co-op. If you're not familiar with the co-op business model, it's completely member owned by gainesville citizens. it's a non-profit in the sense that if there are any profits after operating costs, that money is divided amounst the members. it carries locally grown food, and what isn't in florida is stocked with organic and responsible products. it takes all the guess work out of grocery shopping! i can make confident choices knowing that everything in the store is going to be good for my community, family, and envirnoment.

  2. We've been eating chickens that have had to growth hormones added. We are hoping to find some good beef from grass-fed cows.

  3. The co-op carries dairy products from grass-fed cows, goats, etc. This is next on our list!

  4. We've been cutting out processed foods. Seriously, look at the ingredients list on some of your food, and you will be scratching your head. If i can't pronounce it, I'm not sure I want to eat it...

  5. Annnnndddd.... i'm really excited about this one..... Zach gave me to green light to start cooking vegan! I'm really excited especially since he is such a hearty eater and, like most men, loves his meat! We are not committing 100% percent, but I will be getting my feet wet and trying a few recipes each week. I'm going to blog about them, too!

Wish me luck on my vegan endeavor!

1 comments to Greenes Going Vegan!:

Jill said...

Hmmm... I am VERY interested to see what vegan meals you come up with to feed your hungry husband! Pleeease blog about them! I'm definitely not a "hardcore" healthy eater but I do appreciate fresh produce and COOKING your own food! I'm excited for you!!

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